I took a course in speed waiting. Now I can wait an hour in only ten minutes.
Author: Steven Wright
I got a call from Holly{the person at the doctors office that is handling this}, she informed me that the meds would be mailed to me. She hadn't heard from the insurance company on whether or not they are approving the meds, but they assuredly will.
She wanted to let me know the sides that I'm going to have to deal with. I told her that I was aware, because I've been reading everything I can find on the subject.
The side she was particularly interested in was depression. Yup, depression is one of the sides, and it's very normal for a person going through Interferon/Ribaviral treatment to be prescribed ADs{anti-depressants} in addition.
She explained that LSU is doing a study on depression and hepatitis C treatment. She asked if I would consider taking part in the study. I guess this is a way to start giving back a bit, so I agreed.
So NOW, it's all a waiting game...fuck I hate to wait...