that fucking bitch of a cat must have gone on a fucking rage to end all rages last night.
first off, I was up far too late. working on a HUGE image, which slows my machine down to almost nothing, and at the same time I had DUMBASS trying to figure out how to do html, and wanting to know where the graphical interface for the email administration was on the webserver. IT'S NOT FUCKING MICROSOFT WINDOWS DUMBASS, IT'S FREEBSD.............
since I was up far too late, I decided I should set up my alarm clock so that I would be sure to wake up at 5AM. I don't know if Devochka was just on a rampage, or if the FUCKING BITCH is just jealous of the alarm clock. She's been totally malfunctioning as an alarm cat for the last week or so any fucking way.
so, when I woke up, the clocks off. the computers are off. EVERY FUCKING THING IT OFF!!! why, cause she unplugged the one block of plugs that provides power to all my important shit. FUCKING WHORE!!! I ended up waking up at 5:30, had to get ready, get the computers back up and running, get to the bank to retrieve money for the bus. Halfway to the bank, I realized I FORGOT TO TAKE MY RIBA THIS MORNING, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK....
so I ran over to the habeb store to get my American Spirit cigs, as I was getting sick from smoking a pack of Marlboro lights, and then I had to haul ass back to my apartment to get my RIBAVIRIN, FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK... then whilst walking over to the bus stop, I realized that all I had was a ten spot. I needed a 5 for an all day pass. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.
so I again, haul ass, this time running to the coffee shop to break my ten spot, and get a cup of coffee. thankfully, I was able to catch the bus, as the stop is across the street from the coffee shop, but my now, I'M ABOUT TO FUCKING KILL SOMEONE. THANK GOD I DON'T OWN A FIREARM.
needless to say, I just got here, and I'm going to be sneaking to the side if I need to have a smoke or something, cause I KNOW, as frustrated as I am right now, I'm not going to be anything nice today...hope I don't send another FUCKING DEADBEAT to the hospital with my antics, but I'm assuming that is a distinct possibility...good thing I can't reach out and chock the fuck out of them..that's for sure...
have a powerful day....