ok, I'm sure the last post chappd some peoples asses, but I don't really give a fuck. This is still my blog and these are still my ramblings...
Maybe some think I

was too hard on the celebs. Well, let's see...I was on Nick Cage and John Goodman. In retrospect, they put their money where their mouth is.
Travolta, somewhat...I think it's great that he's flying food and supplies in, but John, get your scientology ass back in your god damned plane and bring more food to mississippi or something god damnit...don't waste the time of people on the ground with photo opps....

Sean Penn...well, go take a class on boating safety....and Oprah, you fat billionaire bitch...you wanna be a big help, TAKE OVER CNN AND TURN IT INTO AN ALL DAY ALL NIGHT TELETHON CHANNEL TO BENEFIT THE PEOPLE RATHER THA

N SPECULATE ON WHAT WENT WRONG, DON'T GO MAKE RATINGS WITH YOUR FUCKING PHOTO OPS...OR BETTER YET, PUT A GOD DAMNED CONTRACT OUT ON ANYONE INVOLVED IN FAKE CHARITIES THAT ARE SAPPING UP CONTRIBUTIONS THAT COULD GO TO THE RED CROSS HELP PEOPLE! Fuck Oprah, you're from Mississippi aren't you? Set up a god damned kitchen down on the Mississippi Gulf Coast and get your fucking hands dirty and cook some poke chops, fried chicken and all the fixin's for the starving people of your home state!
Again, you don't have to like what I say, I don't give a fuck. I'm about to head out to CC's and get a cup of coffee before the drone of the copters begins for the day, and after than, I'm hoping to be able to bury myself in work so that my psychosis doens't take over and begin drive me...