Friday, July 29, 2005
malfunctioning alarm cat...
yesterday, she worked flawlessly. Devochka woke me up with her raspy hoarse scream and proceeded to run faithfully back and forth to the bathtub as if to let me know, "Hey dumbass, you need a bath!" Guess she's fallen into my schedule better than I.
Today I woke up on my own, but not until 5:30AM. That only gave me 45 minutes to get up and out to the bus, instead of the normal hour and fifteen minutes I allot myself...
I made it though, and I'm out of here off to work. Hopefully I can get my head into my file enough today to forget about the horrible symptoms I woke up with this morning,
severe headache, severe muscle ache nausea and general fatigue. Sux, but I don't have time to think about it right now...
off to the bus...
Saturday, July 23, 2005
hep-c support, or maybe it's just the voices in Annita's head....
>>Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 7:57 AM
>>Subject: Re: [Hepatitis_C_Central] Re: positive thinkingRE:
>>I'm sorry, I just can't empathize with Annita any
>>more....seems that the closer she gets to being finished with
>>tx, the more she whines about small shit. AND IT'S ALL SMALL
>>SHIT ANNITA!!!!! I for one don't want to hear whining,
>>negative posts, that come from someone that hears "voices."
>>Is it the voices talking? Get on with your life and find
>>*SOMETHING* to enjoy, or go hang out in a beginners AA
>>meeting and cry on a real shoulder that has just as much
>>imaginary bullshit to whine about as you.....
>>sorry, but I'm to the point of dropping this list because of
>>I'm in my second month. I wake up at fucked up hours because
>>of the meds, but I don't let that get to me. Instead of
>>crying in my non-alcoholic beer, I prefer to find humour in
>>anything I can. I go out of my way to find something to
>>laugh about, and I try to ignore the horrible itching I have
>>on my chest every morning...why...cause if I pay attention
>>it, IT GETS WORSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>I try to spend time with my friends, and I assure you, if I
>>had Annita's attitude, I wouldn't have any friends, or that
>>is my assumption, be cause NO ONE WANTS TO SPEND TIME AROUND
>>On occasion, I do though vent.....
>>Do yourself a favor Annita. Get a life ......
Okay, my opinion may my post was a bit harsh, but hell, I feel lucky to have come through the last few days period, so, when I went looking for support and I had to wade through a virtual quagmire of negative posts, I became irritated like corduroy on a hemorrhoid.
Today I went to the Quarter, that would be the French Quarter to all you foreigners. I went to play some pool with a friend. I try to get out on Saturdays because it's far to easy to fall into weirdness and depression when if I don't get out and about. Well, when I return, my email is full of posts that I found much more inappropriate and offensive than anything I wrote. You must understand that Annita has readily admitted that she hears voices in her head. She also writes approximately 3 posts to every other that is posted in the group, so it does become a bitch going through the all of her petty posts to get to the meat. She was kind enough to wish this upon me though:
>> Thats f.... fine ya know you will wrought
>> in hell. Ever believe in god have ya ass
>> hole your a f... up mother fucker who really
>> dont need to be around. Just because you have
>> not experienced side effect like many people
>> have just because you dont hear voices I
>> didnt ask to have this fucked up viruis in my
>> body I hope and pray to God that you get
>> everyside effect there is I hope your hair falls
>> out your teeth wrought just like you will wrought
>> in hell You know and top all this treatments Im
>> going through I have arthritis scoliosis carputl
>> tunnel I am very anemic and you know-what I dont
>> give a fuck what you say cuz if ya fucking dont
>> like what i write go to hell asshole dont need
>> your shit here or anywhere else F... jerk
>> hardleyable to walk is smALL SHIT NOT BEING
>> HELL tHIS SITE IS TO VENT tHank you and I
>> never asked a F.... TO F... EMPATHISE WITH ME
>> YOU F.... PERSON i HOPE YOU WIll have this
>> voice thing happen to you you know I got it
>> from trauma in my life I was molested By a
>> f... man A f.... Man like you no good for
>> nothing son of a bitch I have witnessed
>> people commiting suicide Great fucking life
>> ive had right ya F... jerk
Now, the first thing I'm thinking is, does she mean rot, or wrought? Fuck, I am from New Orleans, I'm very very familiar with Wrought Iron it's everywhere, but I was totally unaware that I could actually wrought in hell. Could it be the voices in her head? Could it be Satan telling her that good help is hard to find, and he needs people to wrought(literally translated as work) to make up for the typical idiots he employs? Besides her obvious lack of education, and her extreme fear of the word FUCK, except when she includes "mother" along side it, she went on to put words in my mouth. Somehow she got the impression that I have no sides from my TX...again I ask, The Voices maybe? She repeatedly informed me that God is with her, and against me. I have to wonder WHAT FUCKING GOD WOULD REVEAL HIMSELF HER? The fact that she would pray that I "NEVER CLEAR OF THIS DRAGON" speaks volumes of her humble and loving mentality on it's own. Well, I don't know about you, but if she hangs with a God that would answer a prayer like that, I think she might need to re-evaluate her god...I think she may be speaking to Satan,....or maybe, again I ask...The Voices?
Well, it escalated, and from one post written on the tail end of a Riba-Rage™, and before I was even given the opportunity to apologize, I received several dozen posts trashing me, but not before the moderator banned me from posting even a response to their lashings.
Finally after a very stern and direct email concerning their actions against me, they allowed ONE of my posts to go through. It was my response to Annita's apology, which included an apology from myself to her as well. They must have manually allowed that post, because they prevented my response to all of the nasty posts and death wishes from Annita. Cest la Vie'
I'm sure it was only the voices in Annita's head...and it's scary that those voices give her such an insight into my life...seems she would be closer to the truth about me if she were to visit here on occasion...
So what am I laughing at? THE VOICES IN ANNITA'S HEAD!!!
the aftermath, the skirt, and the asylum....
Well, I'll keep this short, but it seems that it was a good choice to leave work on thursday. Seems, un beholden to me, that I was just a tad harsher in my efforts to recover my clients money than I had even imagined.
when I arrived at work yesterday, I was immediately called into my managers office. Not a bad meeting, he just asked me to try to tone my talk offs down a bit on friday. No worries, I knew that I was a bit rough on some of the calls on that day.
it was then that he informed me that I had three complaints originating from my efforts on thursday. One of the calls was to the corporate attorney, and from an alleged "deputy sheriff." Note I said "alleged" because there is no proof that they call came from anyone in law enforcement.
Seems that the alleged deputy informed the corporate attorney that the receptionist had to be rushed to the emergency room following my call. Seems that the call triggered an anxiety attach that was so bad that she had to be hospitalized. The deputy informed the corporate attorney that I used the word FUCK on a number of occasions during the call, and that they had a tape. Now I know there is a certain amount of bullshit involved, because that is one word that I have NEVER used while talking to a debtor. It is my opinion that this is nothing but an idle threat and an attempt to have be dismissed. How do I know this you ask? Well, just weigh the possibilities. I called a po-dunk company from a po-dunk town. It's doubtful that this company would have a tape machine hooked up to the phone other than an 1984 vintage answering machine. Since this was a live call, not a voice message I left, I would doubt the afflicted reseption person had time to stop and think, much less hook up elaberate taping apparatise as she was falling into such an extremely depremental state of mind. Normally even if a phone system has a taping system, the norm, is that the phone system notifys callers before they are forwarded to a live person. "This call may be monitored for training purposes."
Still, no worries. I have no doubt that this woman had an anxiety attack. Maybe she even went to the hospital, but it wasn't my fault in any way shape or form. If her boss had paid his fucking bill in the first place, I would have never called. Since I did, my theory of what really happened is as follows;.
I asked her to reach behind her skirt and hand her boss the phone. That it was obvious that she was hired for the express reason to hide her deadbeat boss back there, and to insulate him from debt collectors like myself. Lo and behold, when she pulls her skirt back, what's she see? Her cowering boss hiding EXACTLY WHERE I TOLD HER TO LOOK!!! Well, since she was unaware that part of her job description, and probably the most important part of it, intailed the hiding of any officer or principle of the company, behind a skirt. Upon this realization, she then spiraled into a massive anxiety attach, and had to be rushed to the emergency room, to be processed and transferred later to the Arkham Asylum™±, where she is not expected to reside for the rest of her natural life.
Friday, July 22, 2005
the rage....
Well, I've written about Riba-Rage™ on more than one occasion, but the fact of the matter is that I've only experienced Riba-Rage™ in it's fullest fury on two occasions. I probably wrote about the first incident somewhere in here, but I fail to remember what I wrote. Brain-Fog™ maybe? Regardless, I don't think that I recognized it for what it was, and thought it was a one time thing at the time.
When I woke up yesterday, I noticed that I had bugs. Those little german roaches that just gross the fuck out of me. Well, seems that when my neighbors moved out last week, the bugs decided that it would be more fulfilling to move over here for a free lunch. Great! No worries at the time. I simply proceeded to spray the apartment with an entire can of bug spray. As I showered, and while showering, realized that the steam from the shower was carrying the fumes. Well, I couldn't take it, but still, no worries.
I decided I would leave early, get to work early and continue the gold streak I have been experiencing all week.
The Louisiana Ave. bus was a couple minute late, but still, no worries, the time was 6:25AM, and there was plenty of time...I thought. Well, when we got to Feret, the bus broke down...we sat for almost 30 minutes before the next bus showed up. This bus being overly crowded...the rage begins.The end result is that I clocked in to work at 7:48AM. I was as Roy D Mercer would say, "Irritated like corduroy on a hemorrhoid."
I tried to work, but all I could really think about was doing dire and inhumane things. My calls were unusually hostile, to the point that I cost myself some immediate fee.I left for lunch, but when I got back, I was in full rage. I had to get out of there, so I left early. I did on the way home, find some herbal remedies that reduced the rage, and when I got home was able to relax. I ordered a pizza and watched TV while I ate, after which I crashed. This was at approximately 6:00PM. I woke up at 1AM briefly, and was back asleep by 2AM, to wake again at my normal time of 5:30AM.
It's now 5:42AM, and I'll finish this post to do the normal SSS in the morning. I will leave in less than an hour to get to work early, and I'll leave exactly at 5PM in order to meet a friend after work.Tuesday, July 19, 2005
cross country chit chat....
Tonight I was chatting on MSN with her, and some of it was really funny shit, so I asked if she minded if I posted it, goes...
Pan says:
Cali says:
oh yeah... first thing
Cali says:
it's just kinda sore, a bit pink & warm to the touch that is totally out of context...which is why it's funny shit...
This is what brought us to that point is this;
Cali says:
injection site is red today, and hot. I think I did it too close to my waistband & I wore a skirt that was a bit snug today
Pan says:
well, wear a looser skirt...but somehow I just can't see you in a moo moo or anything....
Crocodile Sauce Picaunte'? Sounds TASTY!!!
> Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:40 PM
> To: Edd Benson
> Confusia says: Do not piss off the crocodile until after
> you've crossed the river.
> You're not on land yet. :-)
They have alligator in Louisiana. I've tasted quite a bit of alligator without yet being bit.
who's yer daddy now...
so, I'm not that active, but I am subscribed to a hepatitis C mailing list. I've found it to be more depressing than not lately, and since I've found that my best antidote to my symptoms is laugher, I more often than not skip the vast majority of them and scan for something that I feel I have something to add, or something that makes me laugh. Well, lo and behold, there it was. I wish I could take credit for this one.
" I turned the volume up on the computer while I was reading it and heard that "Twilight Zone" music with some chanting in the background. I recorded it and played it backwards to see if there was a secret message...sure enough, there was...I could barely make out a voice in the background, but I think it's the new Pope saying, "Who's yer daddy now" over and over again...then again, I could have just " been having a flashback...Don"
Flash back, or just straight hallucinations...WHO CARES DAMNIT!
now bow down and tell me "who's yer daddy NOW!"
Saturday, July 16, 2005
riba-rage and a prejudice black girl...
I slept most of the day, but when I awoke this afternoon around 1PM, I realized that I was fucking starving.
Off to the A&P for some mayo, crackers, non-alcoholic beer, and bananas.
Well, I get to the check out, and notice that one of the bananas is split open. No worries, I think. I hand it to the cashier and explain that I don't want that one, but she tries to weigh it with the rest.
"I don't want that one," I say, as politely as I can manage.
I could tell she didn't like me, and my feeling was that it was because I'm a white boy. But I ignored this.
She bagged as she rang up the items, making sure to totally destroy the remainer of the bunch of bananas once her she thought her hand, and action, was concealed inside of the plastic bag.. I saw her do this, and had to bite my tongue, which proved to be a very hard thing for me at the time, but I never react when one of another race shows prejudice toward me. I just figure that the individual is IGNORANT, and I'm not going to drop to that level.
I instead pulled the bananas out of the bag and placed them on the counter.
"These need to be replaced," I said.
The cashiers eyes opened wide. She actually thought I didn't notice her sabotage at first, but when she realized that I had, I could see the fear in her eyes. She looked over toward the managers office, probably thinking that I might call the manager and complain. Something inside me told me to let it slide. I did because I felt that she would quickly try to escalate the situation into a racial thing.
Prejudice is ugly no matter who perpetrates it, and I don't play that way.
I'm so glad the sharp edge of the sword prevailed rather than the dull edge of the brain fog, cause I could feel the riba-rage spinning ever closer to the surface...
Friday, July 15, 2005
how to get a deadbeats attention...
So, I get an account dropped to me. This thing has been through several collectors, and no one has been able to get a response out of the debtor, so this was a do or die situation. When I infospaced the name of the company, I found a number with the same address, but a different phone number, and a different suite number. My assumption was that they had moved a couple doors down, changed their phone number, and viola, the extremely talented collection staff at my firm just failed to find this. Not an uncommon occurrence to be honest.
So I call and get one of the principles of the company on the phone. He wasn't happy to hear from me, but not because he owed money, because he wasn't even affiliated with the other company. One was Quality Machine Tools, the other Quality Machine Works. I was talking to the former. The principle informed me that the staff of Quality Machine Tools showed up maybe once per week. Over the last year, he had compiled information about one of the people at the "Tools." He went by both Paul Mitchell, and Mark Mitchell. I was also informed that the every vehicle he had ever seen over there were luxury SUVs. Interesting, work one day per week, drive expensive luxury vehicles. There must be a real demand for their product, RIGHT! He continues to give me the home address, and two cell numbers for this Paul, or Mark Mitchell. Sweet!
I pounded the first cell I called. I got the feeling he was the wrong person after he told me that he got that number two months ago, but I still pounded him and made him take my number and staple it to the forehead of Paul/Mark.
When I call the second cell number, I get voice mail. Perfect.
I left a message beginning with the normal contact information case number etc. I then informed him of my intent. What was my intent you wonder...
First I asked for his secret. What product could one sell, come to work one day per week, and drive a luxury SUV? Hmmmmm... I then informed him that he need to contact me before end of business today to arrange payment for my client. My action if he did not contact me would first, to have my private investigator visit the business address to document any assets on the property and to interview him. Since he didn't come in to work but one day per week, I noted that we didn't expect to find him there, but if not, I would be more than happy to send my private investigator to him home, quoted his home address, and let him know that my private investigator would surely shove his cell phone into his face to bring him to the phone if the need became necessary.
Two hours later I received a call. Paul/Mark was not the happiest person I've ever heard. He appeared to think I was a son of a bitch, and didn't appreciate one bit that I said that I would have a PI shove a phone in his face.
"I'll overnight you $2500.00 on Monday," he said, "and I'll pay the rest, but you will have to wait a month."
I proceeded to give him all the relevant information to get the check to me via my Federal Express account, as is normal procedure.
"Don't worry about that shit, I'll take care of it," he said. He was still not in the least bit happy about the whole phone in the face thing, and kept whining about it.
"Paul/Mark, I'm sorry if I offended you. We have been attempting to get in touch with you for quite some time, and I wasn't aware that you were so willing to take care of this. Again, I'm apologize if I offended you."
"Well, that's all I wanted to hear," said Paul/Mark
I felt this was a very successful call, but after I hung up, it occurred to me that, shit, I'm out of weed. What the fuck was I thinking, I should have TOLD him to drop a good kine bud into the FedEX envelope, so I could sample the goods.
Ok well, must be the "brain fog" from the meds.
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
so much to say, too many to listen........
Over the last couple of days, I have experienced more offbeat, sometimes dim-witted, luser individuals than one normally meets during the course of a week, but I'm hesitant to write detailed commentary at this time.
I have also had some very positive things happen to me over the course of the last few days. I won't comment on those either, but I'm sure I'll be back to my old self in short order.
Sunday, July 10, 2005
Devochka IS GOING TO DIE SOON!!!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
the week, and the solution....
living in New Orleans is a treat I have to admit. I love living here, and wish I had moved here two decades ago. I don't know if I would have survived the city at that time. In the years since I moved here in 1997, I've seen more people than I can name get chewed up and spit out by this city. I've been chewed up a number of times myself, but have managed to live through it.
This weekend, we are awaiting the arrival of Hurricane Dennis. This is the first time in history a hurricane the strength of Dennis has made it to the Gulf of Mexico. The forecast at this time is calling for landfall in the Florida panhandle, or Alabama, but New Orleans is on the western edge of the possible path.
Yesterday Jefferson and St. Bernard Parishes called for voluntary evacuations. Orleans Parish has not been so quick to move in that direction. I personally think that the call for evacuations was pre-mature, but then I'm not a professional, so who would actually give a fuck about my opinion anyway.
I don't expect to evacuate myself, but will be pulling out my ice chest and preparing later this afternoon just in case.
It's long been a tradition down here to throw hurricane parties...another excuse to drink massive amounts of beer and partake in a number of other recreational pharmaceuticals. This year is a different matter for me...the only beer I will be drinking is non-alcoholic. The only other substance I'm interested in is a little of the ole marijuana to combat certain sides that are occurring from the interferon/ribavirin therapy.
Speaking of sides, I got another bout of Riba-Rage™. For the last two days at work we have had phone and computer problems. I wasn't all that effected mentally on Thursday, but on Friday it got to me. When I arrived at work, the first thing that happened was what I felt was a total mis-communication with one of the sales reps from another office. It seemed that either I couldn't get my point across, which is highly possible in my current state, or he just couldn't get it, which is the perception that I had at the time because of my current state. In the end it turned out ok, and our client had already received their check.
The next thing that happened was what began setting me off. The first call that I made dropped and that menacing "ABANDONED CALL" notification showed up on the LED screen of the tele. I tried a few more calls, keeping my temper in check for the time being, and when the dropped calls continued, I decided to begin doing some skip tracing on the Internet to avoid the day being a total loss. Well, welcome to the wonderful world of our IS department. The speed of the inet slowed to equal dialup when 14.4k modems were the norm. Fuck me; I couldn't any page I needed to load at work, so my Riba-Rage™ slowly escalated as the day progressed.
By 3PM, I was grinding my teeth, and ready to break my phone and beat any warm body with the monitor of my computer...but I did survive, as did the world at large, so I was successful.
It's noon now, and I think I'm going to jump into the shower and get out of here for a while.
it's Saturday again already...
When I began this blog, I never had any intention of anyone actually reading it. Not that I really give two shits whether or not it's read, I don't really mind being an open book to be totally honest.
The reason for this most recent lapse of commentary was causes by the fact that I received a call from someone I consider a good friend last Sunday morning. Note that to the best of my ability I will conceal the identity of my friends to protect them from the inevitable call from a certain moron that has evidently become an avid reader of this blog. I thought about writing more in the style of a children's book to accommodate this particular reader as he's somewhat uneducated in the constitution and laws governing free speech and other basic American rights, but again, why should I change my methods to accommodate the uneducated and uninvited.
Anyway, my friend called when I was in the grocery store with another friend picking up some items to go out on a boat. My friend first told me that they were upset with me because there is a small reference to them in this blog somewhere. Well, our light in the loafers fan evidently has made it a habit to begin contacting anyone and everyone he feels has been referenced in this blog and informing them in his own words what has been written. This is a sad situation for a few reasons, and this is why it's taken me a week to decided on how I will proceed with this blog.
It's truly sad when a grown man closing in on the age of thirty which is generally an age that one can be considered somewhat mature, spends his time dabbling in school girl antics and gossip to discredit a party to anyone he can find to listen. I guess he has not a clue how foolish it make him look in the long run.
That's all I have to say on this matter, and this blog will continue as it was...honest and open, but with more attention paid to concealing identities to protect them from the unsolicited Sunday morning phone calls with negative connotations.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
long uncomfortable day...on the animal planet...and beyond...
That's right, I said until. Until Devochka began fReaKiN' because of the wind and noise of the storm. She woke me up hugging my head and screaming like the world was coming to an end. When I tell you she was "hugging" my head, I mean in a death grip, and I could feel her claws just one notch from digging in.
Well, that's how it started, but the storm wasn't going to let me off that easy. NOOOOOO...
Since I was already awake, onto the computer. But Cindy had other plans...just as I was compiling a program...BLINK. So, I wait for the reboot...try to lay back down and sleep a bit more, but can't. The computers come up, I get back on the computer...BLINK. This happened a couple more times...enough to have irritated the living fuck out of me.
So, I leave as normal at 6:20 to catch the bus. The streets show the effects of the storm. There are live oak branches all over the streets, and as I'm waiting for the bus, I'm noticing that there aren't very many cars out. I start wondering if the bus is running, so I begin walking to St. Charles to see if I can see a streetcar. When I began walking, I forgot my cigarettes on the steps of the church, and I noticed just as the Louisiana bus pulled up to where I was. Hence, now I'm heading to Metairie without cigarettes for the day....FUCK!
No worries, I'll stop over at Dollys by the cemeteries, but Cindy isn't done with me indeed. When I get to the cemeteries, I missed the Vets bus that I normally take out to suburban hell, but hey, I needed to get cigarettes for the day. So I walk up Canal Blvd. to Dollys only to find out that the power is out, so they are closed. FUCK!!!
It wasn't long until the next Vets bus came, and I jumped on and headed out there. I stopped at Causeway since there's a Shell there. Bought Cigarettes, and walked to the office. I was still early. I clocked in at 7:45AM.
Once at work, things were rocky. I never got on a roll today. Once the debtcon server crashed the first time, and was down for over an hour, the day was down hill. When it came back up, I almost got rolling...I had some good calls, but after the second crash, I couldn't get back into the mind set. Mostly because I was tired. After lunch, which I never really take, I began feeling very moody and tense. That dull headache and the tightness in my neck from what feels to be swollen glands.
I was so glad the day was over. I headed home, and was planning on stopping at the Walgreens to pick up some shampoo and conditioner, but the electricity all down Magazine Street was still off. My assumption was that my electricity was also off. This was because I had noticed that my server had gone down earlier in the afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised when I got home and found that my lights were still burning. I did have to fuck with my computers when I got home. Something weird is going on, and I really need to start making plans on replacing my workstation and rebuilding my workstation machine into a new server running FreeBSD 5.
Well, welcome to my only if I was rich in the herbals, I would be asleep already. I have so much trouble getting a good night of sleep these days, but I'm too tired to do the basic shit around here.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
not even trapped between tropical storm cindy and...
oh...well, wet too...
Monday, July 04, 2005
happy 4th....
I hung out with one of my best friends and their family. I got to know their spouse much better than I ever had the opportunity before, which was an extreme pleasure. Before I left to meet them on Saturday, for some reason I wasn't aware of at the time, I brought enough of my meds to last until Monday. Good thing, because they ended up keeping me until Monday afternoon. On Sunday, they brought me with them out on a big ole boat. It's been years since I've been out in the gulf at all, but they brought me out on a 60+ foot boot, out to Ship Island off the coast of Biloxi, MS. Good living, that's the only good explaination.
Thanks guys, you know who you are...
Friday, July 01, 2005
appointment with the vampire....
I woke up this morning feeling rather good. What a pleasant surprise. So, I'm out of here at 7:20 to grab a cup of joe, and to the vampire, and to work...