well, any day that starts at 3AM is normally an uncomfortable day. The storm was at it's full fury at 3AM, and I was in a deep sleep, until...
That's right, I said until. Until Devochka began fReaKiN' because of the wind and noise of the storm. She woke me up hugging my head and screaming like the world was coming to an end. When I tell you she was "hugging" my head, I mean in a death grip, and I could feel her claws just one notch from digging in.
Well, that's how it started, but the storm wasn't going to let me off that easy. NOOOOOO...
Since I was already awake, onto the computer. But Cindy had other plans...just as I was compiling a program...BLINK. So, I wait for the reboot...try to lay back down and sleep a bit more, but can't. The computers come up, I get back on the computer...BLINK. This happened a couple more times...enough to have irritated the living fuck out of me.
So, I leave as normal at 6:20 to catch the bus. The streets show the effects of the storm. There are live oak branches all over the streets, and as I'm waiting for the bus, I'm noticing that there aren't very many cars out. I start wondering if the bus is running, so I begin walking to St. Charles to see if I can see a streetcar. When I began walking, I forgot my cigarettes on the steps of the church, and I noticed just as the Louisiana bus pulled up to where I was. Hence, now I'm heading to Metairie without cigarettes for the day....FUCK!
No worries, I'll stop over at Dollys by the cemeteries, but Cindy isn't done with me yet...no indeed. When I get to the cemeteries, I missed the Vets bus that I normally take out to suburban hell, but hey, I needed to get cigarettes for the day. So I walk up Canal Blvd. to Dollys only to find out that the power is out, so they are closed. FUCK!!!
It wasn't long until the next Vets bus came, and I jumped on and headed out there. I stopped at Causeway since there's a Shell there. Bought Cigarettes, and walked to the office. I was still early. I clocked in at 7:45AM.
Once at work, things were rocky. I never got on a roll today. Once the debtcon server crashed the first time, and was down for over an hour, the day was down hill. When it came back up, I almost got rolling...I had some good calls, but after the second crash, I couldn't get back into the mind set. Mostly because I was tired. After lunch, which I never really take, I began feeling very moody and tense. That dull headache and the tightness in my neck from what feels to be swollen glands.
I was so glad the day was over. I headed home, and was planning on stopping at the Walgreens to pick up some shampoo and conditioner, but the electricity all down Magazine Street was still off. My assumption was that my electricity was also off. This was because I had noticed that my server had gone down earlier in the afternoon. I was pleasantly surprised when I got home and found that my lights were still burning. I did have to fuck with my computers when I got home. Something weird is going on, and I really need to start making plans on replacing my workstation and rebuilding my workstation machine into a new server running FreeBSD 5.
Well, welcome to my hell...now only if I was rich in the herbals, I would be asleep already. I have so much trouble getting a good night of sleep these days, but I'm too tired to do the basic shit around here.