Well, I've written about Riba-Rage™ on more than one occasion, but the fact of the matter is that I've only experienced Riba-Rage™ in it's fullest fury on two occasions. I probably wrote about the first incident somewhere in here, but I fail to remember what I wrote. Brain-Fog™ maybe? Regardless, I don't think that I recognized it for what it was, and thought it was a one time thing at the time.
When I woke up yesterday, I noticed that I had bugs. Those little german roaches that just gross the fuck out of me. Well, seems that when my neighbors moved out last week, the bugs decided that it would be more fulfilling to move over here for a free lunch. Great! No worries at the time. I simply proceeded to spray the apartment with an entire can of bug spray. As I showered, and while showering, realized that the steam from the shower was carrying the fumes. Well, I couldn't take it, but still, no worries.
I decided I would leave early, get to work early and continue the gold streak I have been experiencing all week.
The Louisiana Ave. bus was a couple minute late, but still, no worries, the time was 6:25AM, and there was plenty of time...I thought. Well, when we got to Feret, the bus broke down...we sat for almost 30 minutes before the next bus showed up. This bus being overly crowded...the rage begins.The end result is that I clocked in to work at 7:48AM. I was as Roy D Mercer would say, "Irritated like corduroy on a hemorrhoid."
I tried to work, but all I could really think about was doing dire and inhumane things. My calls were unusually hostile, to the point that I cost myself some immediate fee.I left for lunch, but when I got back, I was in full rage. I had to get out of there, so I left early. I did on the way home, find some herbal remedies that reduced the rage, and when I got home was able to relax. I ordered a pizza and watched TV while I ate, after which I crashed. This was at approximately 6:00PM. I woke up at 1AM briefly, and was back asleep by 2AM, to wake again at my normal time of 5:30AM.
It's now 5:42AM, and I'll finish this post to do the normal SSS in the morning. I will leave in less than an hour to get to work early, and I'll leave exactly at 5PM in order to meet a friend after work.