I haven't written in a few days, and there are a number of reasons which I've been hesitant to document here in detail, but fuck, there's no need letting circumstances beyond my control from dictating what I have to say about anything.
When I began this blog, I never had any intention of anyone actually reading it. Not that I really give two shits whether or not it's read, I don't really mind being an open book to be totally honest.
The reason for this most recent lapse of commentary was causes by the fact that I received a call from someone I consider a good friend last Sunday morning. Note that to the best of my ability I will conceal the identity of my friends to protect them from the inevitable call from a certain moron that has evidently become an avid reader of this blog. I thought about writing more in the style of a children's book to accommodate this particular reader as he's somewhat uneducated in the constitution and laws governing free speech and other basic American rights, but again, why should I change my methods to accommodate the uneducated and uninvited.
Anyway, my friend called when I was in the grocery store with another friend picking up some items to go out on a boat. My friend first told me that they were upset with me because there is a small reference to them in this blog somewhere. Well, our light in the loafers fan evidently has made it a habit to begin contacting anyone and everyone he feels has been referenced in this blog and informing them in his own words what has been written. This is a sad situation for a few reasons, and this is why it's taken me a week to decided on how I will proceed with this blog.
It's truly sad when a grown man closing in on the age of thirty which is generally an age that one can be considered somewhat mature, spends his time dabbling in school girl antics and gossip to discredit a party to anyone he can find to listen. I guess he has not a clue how foolish it make him look in the long run.
That's all I have to say on this matter, and this blog will continue as it was...honest and open, but with more attention paid to concealing identities to protect them from the unsolicited Sunday morning phone calls with negative connotations.