Saturday, July 23, 2005

the aftermath, the skirt, and the asylum....

Well, I'll keep this short, but it seems that it was a good choice to leave work on thursday. Seems, un beholden to me, that I was just a tad harsher in my efforts to recover my clients money than I had even imagined.

when I arrived at work yesterday, I was immediately called into my managers office. Not a bad meeting, he just asked me to try to tone my talk offs down a bit on friday. No worries, I knew that I was a bit rough on some of the calls on that day.

it was then that he informed me that I had three complaints originating from my efforts on thursday. One of the calls was to the corporate attorney, and from an alleged "deputy sheriff." Note I said "alleged" because there is no proof that they call came from anyone in law enforcement.


Seems that the alleged deputy informed the corporate attorney that the receptionist had to be rushed to the emergency room following my call. Seems that the call triggered an anxiety attach that was so bad that she had to be hospitalized. The deputy informed the corporate attorney that I used the word FUCK on a number of occasions during the call, and that they had a tape. Now I know there is a certain amount of bullshit involved, because that is one word that I have NEVER used while talking to a debtor. It is my opinion that this is nothing but an idle threat and an attempt to have be dismissed. How do I know this you ask? Well, just weigh the possibilities. I called a po-dunk company from a po-dunk town. It's doubtful that this company would have a tape machine hooked up to the phone other than an 1984 vintage answering machine. Since this was a live call, not a voice message I left, I would doubt the afflicted reseption person had time to stop and think, much less hook up elaberate taping apparatise as she was falling into such an extremely depremental state of mind. Normally even if a phone system has a taping system, the norm, is that the phone system notifys callers before they are forwarded to a live person. "This call may be monitored for training purposes."

Still, no worries. I have no doubt that this woman had an anxiety attack. Maybe she even went to the hospital, but it wasn't my fault in any way shape or form. If her boss had paid his fucking bill in the first place, I would have never called. Since I did, my theory of what really happened is as follows;.

I asked her to reach behind her skirt and hand her boss the phone. That it was obvious that she was hired for the express reason to hide her deadbeat boss back there, and to insulate him from debt collectors like myself. Lo and behold, when she pulls her skirt back, what's she see? Her cowering boss hiding EXACTLY WHERE I TOLD HER TO LOOK!!! Well, since she was unaware that part of her job description, and probably the most important part of it, intailed the hiding of any officer or principle of the company, behind a skirt. Upon this realization, she then spiraled into a massive anxiety attach, and had to be rushed to the emergency room, to be processed and transferred later to the Arkham Asylum™±, where she is not expected to reside for the rest of her natural life.

± Arkham Asylum is a trademark of DC Comics, and is used expressly as parody...