Monday, June 20, 2005

An imagination can be....

Well, you I thought about throwing my boss out of the window because he came in whistling while he (PRETENDED TO) work. And though he has proven on more than one occasion that he can be a "mental" dwarf, still, he should have known that THIS IS NOT FUCKING SNOW WHITE, GOLDIE LOCKS, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET ON THE PHONE!!!

I did feel that I could probably find an innocent pigeon on the ledge outside his window that I could use to break his fall, but expected nothing less than a bloody mess at the end of a 4 story drop.

Enough of that...I won't be there tomorrow, I took another job.

When I got home this evening, in typical Devochka fashion, the FUCKING CAT GOT INTO THE FUCKING GARBAGE AND DECIDED THAT A PIECE OF ROMAINE LETTUCE WOULD MAKE A GOOD PLAY TOY, SO SHE BROUGHT IT INTO MY BED. I really don't know why I don't kill this critter, except her stupid antics make me laugh too hard to kill her.

On Saturday she decided I needed a "window" in my shower curtain. She's been walking around on the side of the tub every morning when I showered, but would always look in one end or the other. She was so proud that when I was looking, she made a point to hop through the FUCKING HOLE she carved in my perfectly good shower curtain. I guess she wanted me to be proud of her accomplishment...I was, so I put a few drops of hot sauce in some canned cat food...I hope he ass burns for a week...